Mike Grassi
Portland, Maine*
Thoughtful, diligent, and persistent, Mike is always intent on producing the highest quality work product for his clients. As an investigator, Mike has experience in a wide range of complex misconduct cases, including Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX investigations, as well as investigations involving historical abuse at K-12 institutions.
Drawn to Title IX through his love of sports and competitive spirit, Mike spent many years working in athletics compliance for a Boston-based law firm, where he honed his research and writing skills while developing a passion for addressing all types of discrimination and equity issues in higher education and beyond. Throughout his career, Mike has worked with some of the biggest and most successful collegiate athletics departments in the country, helping them to remain in compliance with federal gender-equity laws and regulations.
Additional Experience
NCAA athletics compliance
Collegiate athletics litigation issues
The law of higher education
Notes Editor for the Chapman Law Review
Teaching Assistant for not one but two courses in law school
Volunteer Track & Field coach at Deering High School in Portland, Maine
· “What Do the New Wage and Hour Regulations Mean for Athletic Departments?” Legal Issues in Collegiate Athletics, Volume 17, Issue 8, June 2016
NACUA Conducting Effective Internal Investigations
AWI Workplace Investigations Basics
ATIXA Title IX Compliance & Athletics Certification
Rationale Writing Workshop for Decision-Makers and Investigators
NPRiMer: Preparing for the Upcoming Pending Title IX Regulations for Higher Education Overview & Implementaiton, Nuances & Best Practices
JD, Chapman University Fowler School of Law
BS, University of Southern Maine, summa cum laude
Admitted to Practice
State of California
*Not yet admitted to practice in Maine